Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Morning After

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

I woke up on Election Day in the United States praying as I do every morning. I prayed for God’s will to be done and that it would include electing the candidate most likely to bring our country out of its moral and economic abyss.

Then God spoke in His quiet way to my soul, as He sometimes does. Yes, prayer is conversation. It should be a two-way street. The problem is—we often don’t hang around long enough to listen after we’ve talked. J

This is the message I received while meditating with Him.

What we need more than economic healing is spiritual healing. Often life has to get even tougher before this happens. Revival comes when people are at their lowest spiritually and economically. Sometimes hearts are stubborn. When everything is stripped away, then people seek God’s face. It is through brokenness healing comes.

There’s no guarantee, no matter who our President is, that we (individually or nationally) will enjoy great prosperity.

I’m not a prophet, nor am I saying God gave me a great revelation. I’m sure He has spoken this to many folks over time. If you live long enough, you experience hardships that drive you to your knees.

As I wrote this, I didn’t know the outcome of the election, but you know what? God did. He also knows the future of this nation. As believers, we should continually seek His will for our lives.

I’m generally optimistic about the future—mine and the United States. But not because my candidate won or lost. Because God is still on His throne. Because only God has the power to heal. Because God will restore in His time—when His people and those who thumb their nose at His sovereignty bend their knees and yield their hearts to His will.

Only then will this nation’s greatness—and broken lives—be restored.

Please take a moment to pray for those on the prayer list and soldier Jesse McCart. If you have a prayer need, feel free to share so I and others can pray for you. I’d love to hear from you.

Now is the season for healing
Deeply we need to see, God's mercy revealing
Where we have fallen from his ways
For we know he gives hope to the humble.


© Laura Hodges Poole


  1. Thanks for this post!! No matter who the nation chose to be our president.... (love this part of your post)~
    "Because God is still on His throne. Because only God has the power to heal. Because God will restore in His time—when His people and those who thumb their nose at His sovereignty bend their knees and yield their hearts to His will."

    1. You're welcome, Piper. This was a tough day for those who voted for the other candidate. I'm glad you were encouraged. Thanks for stopping by. Good to hear from you. God bless.

  2. For a while now God has been telling me, "It all begins and ends with prayer."
    His ways are not ours. For those of us who clung to 2 chron 7:14 in the days leading to the election, we can rest assured God answered our prayers...just not in the manner we wanted.

    But God is on His throne and there's still work to be done.

    God bless you! Fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim 6:12)

    1. God bless you, too. Thanks for your encouragement. It's been a tough day for all of us. Praise God! He still reigns!

  3. Yes, He knew the outcome days ago, and allowed it to be--for His Glory. Great post Laura!

  4. When I speak I always say that my dad and I both learned that our problems are more spiritual than they are political. God is on His throne, but it chills me to think that His will for the church in America may be persecution and that America may be seeing the last days of its greatness. I'm surprised God has been so patient with us with all our national sins.
    May He bring revival.

    1. I agree, Ginny. I've felt for some time that persecution against Christians and our beliefs will get worse. Now more than ever we need to be on our knees. God bless you and your work.

  5. laura i with Ginny am worried for our church. then again i am worried for many things. i know tony and i with many other Christians had been praying daily for this election and it scares me that God has allowed this evil man to be re-elected. it scares me because if He is allowing him to be re-elected what else is He going to allow? i had been praying that no matter who won that God would help me to figure out my part in this country being where it is at and what i can do to repent. i believe God is telling me to live in his will and TRUST Him and most of all to be more of a witness to the lost. one last thing mike huchabee had a great statement after the election. he states what you do laura - that if this nation is to turn around it starts with spiritual healing. if anyone wants to read it it is on his status yesterday on fb.

    1. I agree with all your points. I get Mike Huckabee's FB page, so I will go back and take a look. Ginny has seen much persecution in other countries. Her father was part of the Nixon administration among other things and after he left politics started orphanages and did other mission work in Romania with Ginny. She has traveled extensively with missions to places like China and Yemen. She has seen firsthand the effects of Islam and even risked smuggling Bibles into these countries, which if caught, would have meant her death. Here's a link to her book she published a couple of years ago. Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Betty. Keep praying!

  6. Wow Laura...this is so weird....I just hopped over from someone's blog and their post was so similar to yours. I think He's trying to get my attention. I'm a doer but I need to get that the real work is done in prayer and without that prayer....the thing that needs to happen won't get done. Great and timely message for me...Thanks Laura

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad you stopped by and feel encouraged now. God bless you.
