did it! Daredevil Nik Wallenda wire walks across the Grand Canyon
That was the headline on Today News online shortly after Nik
Wallenda of the famed Wallenda family high-wire and circus performers achieved
a feat no one else had ever accomplished. To my knowledge, no one else has ever
tried to walk across the Grand Canyon. I couldn’t decide whether his attempt without
safety equipment on Sunday evening was just incredibly stupid, selfish (because
of his children), or, as he portrayed it, an act of faith.
All I know is I couldn’t watch
it. From the moment he stepped out and began praying, my feelings about the
walk became more ambiguous. He obviously needed his faith to center him on his
task, but would the world consider God just as great as Wallenda proclaimed if
he’d fallen to his death? That’s the danger of challenging the laws of physics
and gravity God put around us and then expecting Him to intercede when we do. Human
error can, and often does, get folks killed.
Yet, who am I to judge Wallenda
on his earthly feats? After all, many folks walk a spiritual high wire daily
with no thought of tomorrow or their eternity. They’re willing to gamble that
when they face physical death, there is no afterlife, or their good deeds will
be sufficient to get into heaven, if it
exists. Self worship is one way to term that belief system.
Good deeds should naturally flow
from a Christian’s life. But good deeds in and of themselves will not buy entrance
into heaven’s gates. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No
one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6.
Wallenda had one chance to get
his walk right. If he’d slipped and fallen, his life would’ve been over. He
risked everything. Without the tether Jesus provides through salvation, when
physical death comes, there will be no more chances for the unsaved to get
eternity right.
see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the
ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good
person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love
for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:6-8
Jesus loved us so
much, he willingly sacrificed his life for us. We have all the chances in the
world while we’re still alive. Once we are standing at heaven’s gates, our
decisions are irrevocable.
Are you walking a high wire, balancing
your earthly life against your spiritual life and hoping it’ll all work out in
the end? My prayer for you today is that you’ll reach out and take God’s hand
before it’s too late.
If you have a prayer need, I’d
love to hear from you. Leave a comment or e-mail me confidential requests.
Update on Emily, a middle-school
girl battling osteosarcoma: Due to pain in Emily’s leg, surgeons successfully
removed a plate screw yesterday morning that was snaring muscle tissue when she moved. They
will continue to monitor her growth and decide later whether to address the minor
discrepancy in her leg length.
Latest photo from Sgt. Jesse McCart's family:
![]() |
Jesse sustained injuries in Afghanistan
last summer and has been rehabbing since.
Please continue to pray for him and his family.
Thanks for the continued prayer
support for those who have requested it since I started posting a weekly prayer
blog last year. I appreciate it, and I know they do. J
Would you take a moment to click
on the Missions page to learn more about how you can
support Pastor Mike and Adrian Gonzalez on their mission trip to South Sudan
and Kenya in August? Yesterday’s blog post, Passport
Through Darkness, sheds more light on the conditions in South Sudan as they
struggle to build their new nation. Click here to read.
God bless,
©Laura Hodges Poole