Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Throne of Grace

“The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.” George Mueller  
I often blog about praising God during trials and storms.  Sometimes the best way to gain spiritual wisdom and empathy is through a “no” or “wait” answer to prayer. But does practicing long-suffering produce complacency and low expectations for positive answers? It can, if we don’t guard against such habits from seeping into our spiritual lives.  
In my post, Confident Prayer, I wrote about the importance of recognizing God’s sovereignty in our lives. Failure to do so can lead to low expectations because we want our answers to prayer—not His.
Despite belief in God, if we don’t fully embrace His sovereignty, we yield a fraction of what He desires while banking on receiving the totality of our requests.  
What starts out as an effort to exercise faith becomes portion control over what we surrender when anxiety sets in regarding the unknown. We don't completely trust Him to get it right!
Maybe we’re really saying: Does God care about my day-to-day existence? Does He care about my needs and desires? 
God does care. He wants full surrender. He wants us to approach Him with faith rooted in boldness.   
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 
What is your greatest need today? I want to encourage you to go to the Throne of Grace with an unabridged heart, yield control, and lay down your anxiety about the answer. Exercise faith through confidence that He will respond.  
“Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends.”  George Mueller 
As we go to the Lord in prayer, let us remember to lift up past requests regarding health, employment, family, and mental health issues.  
My request this week is for Emily, a 12-year-old girl battling bone cancer. She’s having a tough time with treatment. Also remember to lift up Karen Redding who is at home with hospice care. Pray for healing, comfort, and wisdom for her and her family.  
Please leave your requests in the comments section so others can pray for you, or email me confidential requests. My contact info is listed in the “Talk to Me” section above.  
Now as we approach the Throne of Grace boldly together, take a moment to worship with Mercy Me’s song, “Bring the Rain.” 
 God bless,


  1. laura i never think that God is not going to answer but i sometimes worry what that answer might be - so it is good to be reminded that we need to go to Him in prayer with confidence that whatever His answer it will be the best thing for us.

    prayer requests:
    we have a very important unspoken prayer request
    tony employment
    karen redding continue to pray for her

    thanks and God bless!

    1. I'm continuing to pray for your requests. Thanks for sharing them again so others can pray. God bless you.

  2. Thank you for continuing to pray for those in need- it is a great ministry you have here.
    God hears us, even when we don't hear Him.

    1. I'm glad you're blessed by the prayer posts. You're right. God always hears us.

  3. Quote: “Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends.” George Mueller

    Right now, I am holding onto God in the midst of an impossible situation - impossible for man that is. This post is very timely! Thank you

    1. You're welcome, Wendy. I will pray that God resolves your situation. Continue to hold onto His strength. God bless you.

  4. Your post made me think of times when I wanted a certain answer to a certain prayer. In the end, I was so thankful, that on so many occasions His answer was NOT what I wanted. Other times I didn't understand why the answer was NO. That is where faith and constant communication with Him was so important. Thank you for this post. I hope it is Okay if I "Pin it".

    1. I agree, Jennifer. God can see the big picture and we have to trust Him. That's easier said than done, though! Yes, go ahead and pin it. I appreciate it! God bless you.

  5. Praying with you, and for you.
