Monday, February 6, 2012

John 3:17

If I were to ask what’s the most recognizable Bible verse—your answer would probably be John 3:16. It’s written on posters held up at sporting events. Most non-Christians are aware of the reference, even if they can’t recite the verse. It’s one of the first verses children memorize in Sunday school. John 3:16 sums up the Gospel message in a short, easy to remember way.

Conversely, John 3:17 receives almost no attention. In fact, many people would be hard pressed to quote or give a summary of it.

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17

Non-believers, and maybe even some Christians, assume God expects us to follow a set of rules in order to follow Him. When we don’t, He breathes a fiery condemnation on us.

Not so—according to this verse.

You see, we were already under condemnation when Jesus made the choice to obey God and become man. John 3:16 speaks of God’s love, but there’s also the love Jesus has for us—so much that he became our sacrifice for sin.

If you’re having a difficult time accepting you are worthy of salvation and feel too weak to follow rules—guess what? You’re right. That’s why we need a Savior. We bring nothing but ourselves, sin and all, to the feet of Jesus. He brings about the transformation we’re unable to do on our own.

God offers you salvation freely. Jesus paid our ransom with his life. Why not ask him into your heart and free you from the condemnation of sin? I’d love to hear from you, if you do.


  1. Oh how HE LOVES US!! Just recently I talked with a child that wanted to know how she could be saved. And no one had ever explained exactly what sin was.....and once she knew. She knew exactly who would forgive her!! Praise the Lord that He came to save us!

  2. I agree! I'm glad you were able to share Jesus' love with that little girl. Children are so accepting, once they understand.
