Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

My dad called to share his “good news.” The pathology report on his surgery came back clean. To say he was elated puts it mildly. His relief was palpable.

Have I mentioned before what an incredible man my father is? Probably so often that many are tired of hearing it. Of all the things Papa has given me, I most appreciate his modeling of God’s love which flows through him. His life is a continual witness of what I strive to be. Maybe by the time I’m his age or the Lord returns (whichever comes first), I will have achieved it.

This was just the latest of many ordeals that includes numerous glaucoma surgeries, progressive loss of vision, prostate cancer, a broken ankle—10 surgeries in all in the last 10 years—and of course, losing a child. He has repeatedly told me his life is in God’s hands to do what He wishes.

From the onset of this latest trial, Papa said he felt the Holy Spirit in his soul tell him, “I’ll take the lead.” Tonight, my father asked me, “Why don’t we trust Him? Why did I worry even a little?” To which I replied, “Because we are human, and God understands us in our human frailties.”

I thank God for my father’s honesty and leadership even in hardship. His modeling of an almost supernatural, unconditional love is a rarity in this life. I bask in the feeling of the Holy Spirit when I’m at my father’s knee listening to the wisdom and warmth that emanate from him.

I hung up the phone with Papa’s voice echoing in my mind of gratitude for a Lord that didn’t let him down, and in his words, even if He had, he’d still be praising Him. I believe this. I’ve seen my father’s faith in action. And for that I say, Praise God!

(Originally appeared in my Facebook Notes, September 2009.)

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, I have to remind myself not to worry. God will either take care of the problem or show me how to handle it. Thanks!
