Tuesday, May 7, 2013

God's Beautiful Design

“…be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” 2 Corinthians 13:11b NIV

One of my favorite childhood toys was a small, inexpensive kaleidoscope. I would press one end of the kaleidoscope to my eye and marvel at the red, green, blue, and yellow colors morphing into different designs as I turned the tube. No matter how long I looked, I never grew tired of it. I played with this toy until it fell apart.

Oftentimes, we get caught up in the differences in Christian worship, whether it is within a church, between denominations, or within the Christianity community as a whole. The Apostle Paul admonishes us to put aside our differences and be of one mind for the sake of peace. No matter what our personalities, tastes in worship, or how we envision our particular church progressing into the future, we’re all part of the same fabric, woven together as the body of Christ.

The fascination of the kaleidoscope was the way the colors worked together to form a pattern and then changed into another beautiful design. My brothers and sisters in Christ are just as beautiful when they pull together to accomplish good for the Kingdom. Equally important is our willingness to transform for necessary progress.

Imagine my childish disappointment when I peered into the end of my kaleidoscope one day and it no longer worked. No matter how much I turned the tube, the colors were askew as the little broken lenses didn’t come together anymore to form a beautiful design. We’ve all seen this happen within the body of Christ, as well.

Are you part of the peaceful work in your church, striving to be of one mind, meshing with those around you in a beautiful godly design? If so, you’ve experienced the peace and love that God showers on His believers.

Prayer: Father God, guide me to be a fruitful part of your design within the body of believers of which I belong. Help me to keep my focus on You and not the differences amongst my brothers and sisters in Christ, so that we may do Your Kingdom work effectively. In Jesus' name, amen.

Please pray for our overseas U.S. personnel including our ambassadors, our military, and their families. Several military personnel have been killed in the past few weeks including five soldiers from Fort Bliss who died when their vehicle hit an IED in Afghanistan. Please continue to lift up those on our prayer list and Sgt. Jesse McCart, who was injured by an IED in Afghanistan last summer, and his wife and children as he continues his rehab.

If you have a prayer request, I’d love to hear from you. Share in the comments section so others can pray or e-mail me confidential requests. I’d also love to hear your praise reports!


©Laura Hodges Poole

Originally published by Christian Devotions in 2012.

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